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Log into your account

How do I log into my Turning Hearts account?

To log into your Turning Hearts account:. Email: You can log in with any email that’s listed on your Turning Hearts account. Username: You can also log in with your username.

How do I log out from my Turning Hearts account?

To log out from Turning Hearts:

I am unable to log in, I forgot my password

There are 3 ways to login into your TurningHearts account:. If you have signed up to Turninghearts with Facebook or Gmail, make sure you have access to those and is logged into those accounts on both your computer and mobile devices and try logging i

How can I make my Turning Hearts password strong?

When creating a new password, please note the following:. If you see a message letting you know the password you entered isn’t strong enough, try mixing together uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters. You can also make the p